Conduit Street Podcast

Much Ado About ADUs

Maryland Association of Counties Season 1 Episode 287
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00:00 | 33:31

On the latest episode of the Conduit Street Podcast, Amy Moredock joins Dominic Butchko to discuss Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)—what they are, why they're a hot topic, and the counties' role in zoning.

Amy Moredock is a professional planner with 20 years of land use experience on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. She has been directly involved in local and state planning efforts with a long history of drafting and implementing a wide variety of land use ordinances and reviewing projects and permits. 

Her areas of focus include environmental regulation, floodplain management, resiliency and hazard planning, comprehensive planning, and water resources planning. She is a member of the American Planning Association and the National and Maryland Chapters of Certified Floodplain and Stormwater Managers. 

Having served as the Eastern Shore regional representative from 2013-2020, Amy is currently the chair of the Maryland Association of Floodplain and Stormwater Managers. She has been the MACo representative on the Governor’s Intergovernmental Committee on Agriculture (GICA) since 2014 and currently represents the MACo Planners Affiliate on the Governor's Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Task Force. 

The Conduit Street Podcast is available on major platforms like Spotify, Apple, Google, and anywhere else you get your podcasts. Episodes are also available on MACo's Conduit Street blog.

Links mentioned:
- State of MD's Accessory Dwelling Unit Policy Task Force Report
- MACo's Deep Dive Blog Article on ADUs