Conduit Street Podcast
A podcast on Maryland policy and politics. Stay in the know about how the General Assembly, Governor, state agencies, and county leaders affect the essential services that Marylanders depend on each and every day. Tune in for deep dives into state and county issues, special guests from around the state, and our world-famous dad jokes. We’ve got you covered on the Maryland Association of Counties’ Conduit Street Podcast.
Conduit Street Podcast
Where Are We? Breaking Down the State's Fiscal Picture
This week on the Conduit Street Podcast, hosts Kevin Kinnally and Michael Sanderson navigate the fiscal landscape facing Maryland and her counties. They dig into the fiscal year closeout, and the latest revenue forecast, and try to separate the signal from the noise. They talk through the underlying pieces to separate out from the headline numbers, and try to find the bottom line in the State's fiscal situation.
They also foreshadow the coming work of the Capital Debt Affordability Committee and the Spending Affordability Committee in setting borrowing limits and spending growth. Despite these fiscal challenges, our hosts emphasize the resilience of local governments and the critical advocacy work done by MACo.
Plus, the cat’s out of the bag; the Conduit Street Podcast will soon be doing an "Ask Me Anything" special, where YOU, our listeners, can submit questions on policy, politics, and dad jokes for Michael and Kevin to answer on the air! Click the link to submit your question and tune in this week for an engaging discussion on Maryland public budgeting and what lies ahead.