Conduit Street Podcast
A podcast on Maryland policy and politics. Stay in the know about how the General Assembly, Governor, state agencies, and county leaders affect the essential services that Marylanders depend on each and every day. Tune in for deep dives into state and county issues, special guests from around the state, and our world-famous dad jokes. We’ve got you covered on the Maryland Association of Counties’ Conduit Street Podcast.
Conduit Street Podcast
Blueprint for Success: Dr. Carey Wright’s Vision for Maryland Education
In this episode of the Conduit Street Podcast, we bring you an engaging conversation with Dr. Carey Wright, Maryland State Superintendent of Schools, recorded live at the 2024 MACo Winter Conference. Dr. Wright joined MACo Executive Director Michael Sanderson for a “fireside” chat to discuss education reform, the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, and her vision for the State Department of Education heading into the 2025 legislative session.
Hear how Dr. Wright draws on her experience closing achievement gaps in Mississippi and empowering her team to tackle challenges with focus and perseverance. Learn about her plans to drive meaningful change in Maryland’s education system and ensure the success of the Blueprint. Don’t miss this insightful discussion on the future of education in Maryland!
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