Conduit Street Podcast
A podcast on Maryland policy and politics. Stay in the know about how the General Assembly, Governor, state agencies, and county leaders affect the essential services that Marylanders depend on each and every day. Tune in for deep dives into state and county issues, special guests from around the state, and our world-famous dad jokes. We’ve got you covered on the Maryland Association of Counties’ Conduit Street Podcast.
Conduit Street Podcast
Education Priorities for Maryland's Future
This week on the Conduit Street Podcast, hosts Michael Sanderson and Sarah Sample are joined by Mary Pat Fannon, Executive Director of the Public School Superintendents Association of Maryland. With numerous bills aimed at education policy and the Blueprint for Maryland's Future this legislative session, Mary Pat shares how local superintendents focus on policies prioritizing student outcomes and setting clear expectations for education agencies. Tune in for insights into these priorities and other key issues on their agenda in this week’s episode.
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