Conduit Street Podcast
A podcast on Maryland policy and politics. Stay in the know about how the General Assembly, Governor, state agencies, and county leaders affect the essential services that Marylanders depend on each and every day. Tune in for deep dives into state and county issues, special guests from around the state, and our world-famous dad jokes. We’ve got you covered on the Maryland Association of Counties’ Conduit Street Podcast.
Conduit Street Podcast
Notes From Nebraska & Maryland Parallels
This week on the Conduit Street Podcast, MACo's Director, Michael Sanderson, welcomes his counterpart from the Nebraska Association of Counties, Jon Cannon. They discuss policy issues facing the "cornhusker state," which (as is so often true) have some resonance here in Maryland. Also, digging into Mr. Cannon's background in tax and revenue administration, talk through the practical implementation of property tax offsets, fairness measures, and the overall effect of property taxes on tax policy. With county governments bracing for the fallout from the State budget crisis, we've got a few insights on the wisdom (or lack thereof) in putting further pressure on local property taxes.
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