Conduit Street Podcast

The Year of the Impossible County Budget

Maryland Association of Counties Season 1 Episode 316

As Maryland counties build their budgets, uncertainty from both Washington and Annapolis creates major challenges. In this episode, Kevin Kinnally, Michael Sanderson, and Sarah Sample break down the key fiscal debates shaping the future of local government funding. 

Hold tight as they dive into the Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act ("Big" BRFA) hearings, where state leaders are debating cost shifts that could push hundreds of millions in new expenses onto county governments. Sanderson likens the action to a parlor trick of sorts - to make the costs vanish from one budget and then appear on another. 

A conversation about budgets isn't complete without looking at how local school systems are facing massive funding requests under the Blueprint for Maryland's Future. Now, counties are being asked to contribute more than ever - even as they brace for potential losses in state aid and revenue streams. 

Get the latest insights and analysis in this must-listen episode of the Conduit Street podcast.

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